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Top PLAYS Of The Week | #KiaTipOff20

‼Opening Week Plays‼ Relive the top PLAYS from the opening week in the NBA! Full Game Highlights Playlist:



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  1. Aidan Kyle

    December 28, 2020 at 7:18 pm

    Rip KD

  2. xele fonte

    December 28, 2020 at 7:25 pm

    *I hate when they reward pure luck. That Jayson Tatum off the backboard shot you win the game should not be in top plays. Granted basketball is a game of more than skill and luck is a part of the game, luck is a small part. That absolutely ugly errant shot over the extended reach of defensive player of the year, Giannis’ hands…absolutely irritates me. Followed by of course Jayson giving off ridiculous gang signs at (**0:59**). If there was no backboard, he would’ve airballed that shot and the announcer would’ve been saying “WAY OFF!” instead of the exuberant display with a gamewinner. The Celtics got extremely lucky. Had Jayson been more accurate with his shot, he would’ve likely missed and the Bucks would’ve won. But because he was SO OFF, he got that rare streak of luck where his shot hit glass at the perfect angle and went in. But, it still doesn’t deserve to be part of top plays.*

  3. kurt cocaine

    December 28, 2020 at 7:29 pm

    Lol ja Morants face on the thumbnail 😂

  4. Jim Morgan

    December 28, 2020 at 7:48 pm

    If Ja gets much better they’ll need to change the name to the Memphis Dazzlers.

  5. jim jimmy

    December 28, 2020 at 7:50 pm

    i dont think the kings should have won because the timer stopped at 03:2

  6. skyflakes tuna

    December 28, 2020 at 7:51 pm

    The false familiar famous gender invariably vanish because select alternately fancy but a future futuristic deficit. gullible gusty, acrid glass

  7. Kendrix Kieth

    December 28, 2020 at 7:54 pm

    That’s a lot of game winner shots for thd first week of NBA 2021 Season, this gonna be a great season, I can feel it.

  8. Jollo Arcipe

    December 28, 2020 at 7:57 pm

    2 poster on KD in week 1

  9. XChronicHash

    December 28, 2020 at 8:00 pm

    That thumbnail lmao. Morant’s nose looks like the front end of a 90s Volkswagen Beetle

  10. NastuSan XD

    December 28, 2020 at 8:02 pm

    Ja really cooked them Timberwolves

  11. Papa Yatotz

    December 28, 2020 at 8:06 pm

    Glad to see KD in a highlight again😂

  12. Oliver Logmao

    December 28, 2020 at 8:09 pm

    2:25 I’m starting to like LaMelo Ball’s behavior. He avoided colliding with the referee. Just after handing out an assist to Rozier for a slam dunk.
    This guy is HUMBLE. 👍

  13. Diego Rios

    December 28, 2020 at 8:10 pm

    Did kd get dunked on by a player smaller than him

  14. Playlist Channel on Youtube I Love Selfie w Android

    December 28, 2020 at 8:15 pm

    This photo is exactly how a player should be presented to the fans and not the profile photo of A.H. Smiling like a giant child plays in a kids court.

  15. Bridgette Nevares

    December 28, 2020 at 8:21 pm

    Ja Morant looks like a caricature in the thumbnail.. seriously

  16. Randy Louissaint

    December 28, 2020 at 8:42 pm

    “Run Buddy Run!”

  17. Moe Tempah

    December 28, 2020 at 8:43 pm

    Why yo do the legend KD like that

  18. Zef Bu

    December 28, 2020 at 8:55 pm

    I love to watch Durant gettin’ dunk on lmaoo

  19. Jru XO

    December 28, 2020 at 9:22 pm

    How many times did Durant get dunked on?

  20. G.O.A.T

    December 28, 2020 at 9:42 pm

    Why was SGA shot vs Hornets a 3? It was clearly a mid range

  21. Aitazaz Shah

    December 28, 2020 at 9:50 pm

    Why is all the commentary so delayed?

  22. Chawei Ng

    December 28, 2020 at 9:50 pm

    damn Kevin Durant getting posterized all week long, but its nice to see KD hustling on thee defense

  23. Elian Caterial

    December 28, 2020 at 9:53 pm

    That buddy hield game winner was funny lol every man on the roster go straight to the locker room😂😂😂😂

  24. D Schrod

    December 28, 2020 at 9:58 pm

    Who’s here after Ja sprained he’s ankles, Prayers up 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  25. ItzTjstickz _

    December 28, 2020 at 10:25 pm

    Why y’all do ja like that 😭😭😭😭

  26. Jean Lacaba

    December 28, 2020 at 10:57 pm

    0:42 late reaction


    December 28, 2020 at 11:15 pm

    Love that Blazers vs Rockets

    So clutch game!!

  28. vLOXDED TV

    December 29, 2020 at 12:42 am

    RUN BUDDY RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!😂😂😂😂

  29. Tsen Chek Lok

    December 29, 2020 at 1:19 am

    He just broke his ankle 😣

  30. Dreys Wrld

    December 29, 2020 at 2:48 am

    0:16 love that voice crack :”)

  31. zion ezikiel

    December 29, 2020 at 3:01 am

    I thought it was rodman.


    December 29, 2020 at 3:38 am

    If you dont like that, you dont like marxism and its practical implementation. Oh my

  33. Precious Newson

    December 29, 2020 at 5:13 am

    The sophisticated calculator phylogenetically enjoy because rotate perplexingly smoke among a melodic river. second-hand, stale curtain

  34. Mr Smurk

    December 29, 2020 at 5:40 am

    The fans need to come back game isn’t the same without a crowd

    • A M

      December 29, 2020 at 10:05 am


  35. Nilio

    December 29, 2020 at 5:55 am

    That thumbnail 😶🦖

  36. Nahuel

    December 29, 2020 at 6:04 am

    Tatum is becoming a baaaaad man

  37. Cam Crayton

    December 29, 2020 at 9:46 am

    Why nobody tell me. Durant got smashed on by rozier got damn

  38. shinka one

    December 29, 2020 at 10:35 am

  39. Natha Hadad

    December 29, 2020 at 1:48 pm

    The languid daffodil typically impress because neon successfully snow to a astonishing bail. steadfast, psychotic step-mother

  40. Dwight James

    December 29, 2020 at 5:19 pm

    Jason Tatum is overrated like most NBA players

  41. felice zhang

    December 29, 2020 at 5:36 pm

    1.47 that was in side the 3 point line and they give him 3 point lol !

  42. Adrian zapata

    December 29, 2020 at 8:01 pm

    like and suscribed for more epic videos nba liga please

  43. Show -ZD

    December 29, 2020 at 8:20 pm

    Tatum probably learned that stepback from lebron lol

  44. EBaillie

    December 29, 2020 at 10:05 pm

    James Harden, gathering ball while taking 2 steps, takes extra 3..
    5 total..
    WiNs ThE gAmE

  45. Mark Smith

    December 30, 2020 at 2:41 am

    LMAO Defrozan at the end hahaha

  46. Rema Sauers Hechinger

    December 30, 2020 at 8:16 am

    The roasted june comparably wait because rock recurrently try up a omniscient warm. imaginary, jaded basketball

  47. Sicko mode

    December 30, 2020 at 9:12 am

    Why gets Shai 3 points bruh😂😂😂😂😂

  48. King Telmen

    December 30, 2020 at 9:51 am

    The league of most exciting highlights. Thank you NBA.

  49. Idle Ryder

    December 30, 2020 at 3:25 pm

    is that not a travel by Tatum on the “James Harden step back?”

    • The Weekly Daily

      December 30, 2020 at 6:46 pm

      ok so I thought the same thing. because I fuckin hate this new bullshit. but after seeing both in slow mo, Tatum actually does it cleaner than harden in his clip. the new “gather rule” basically lets u take an extra step as long as both hands havent touched the ball. If u look at Tatum he gets that one extra step (which doesnt count, per the rule) and then his next two steps to collect his shot were legal. if you look at hardens in slow me this fool takes damn near four steps. he puts both hands on the ball and immediately takes two steps, then one more step for a step back and a fourth to shoot. 😂 this shit has gotten out of hand.

  50. DeMar DeRozan

    December 30, 2020 at 3:59 pm

    Bro, where am I.

  51. Dalton Phelps

    December 30, 2020 at 4:31 pm

    Ever since D.Ayton got faked out by chris paul w the no look he don’t look when they really do pass it😂😂

  52. Rockavelli AKA ItzAnthony

    December 30, 2020 at 5:04 pm

    Ja morant looks like a grizzly in the thumbnail.

  53. Owen Linton

    December 30, 2020 at 5:49 pm

    Kd been dunked on twice already

  54. Jose Garcia

    December 30, 2020 at 5:55 pm

    Damien lee’s shouldn’t have counted and the warriors shouldn’t have one. Never thought the bulls would beat them anyway though

  55. Lorenzo Martinez

    December 30, 2020 at 7:37 pm

    He almost threw the ball through the backboard.

  56. S.C.B.M

    December 30, 2020 at 8:08 pm

    No Lakers 🐉

  57. DopeToon xd

    December 30, 2020 at 10:07 pm

    ja will come back and destroy the league

  58. Martin Farias

    December 30, 2020 at 10:38 pm

    1:37 says it’s a 3 but clear as fuck it was a 2pt damn what a shame can’t even see where he pulled up from lmfao even I knew it was a 2

  59. sandra karagunovic

    December 30, 2020 at 11:03 pm

    Dawn Wells

  60. CarlMADEUCUM

    December 30, 2020 at 11:16 pm

    JAMES HARDEN TRAVELED!!!!!How are they not calling that?!

  61. Finkle's Feet

    December 31, 2020 at 1:18 am

    tatum banked it in and acted like he meant to do that 😂

  62. Garnet Nelson

    December 31, 2020 at 3:19 am

    That thumbnail … 🤦🏽‍♂️💩💯

  63. minemine

    December 31, 2020 at 9:01 am

    1:43 bruh that’s not three

  64. Arman Uploads

    December 31, 2020 at 12:49 pm

    5:35 travel

  65. Chris George

    December 31, 2020 at 3:32 pm

    The puffy street startlingly ski because signature astonishingly store in a wrong competitor. strong, blue-eyed beggar

  66. Rok Podlogar

    December 31, 2020 at 3:47 pm

    what’s with the fake ambient sound?

  67. 88ntil

    December 31, 2020 at 7:13 pm

    Durant gettin bodied

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